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Implementation details

I am a late-career software developer currently pursuing a post-graduate degree in data science. I enjoy exploring a wide variety of programming languages and design paradigms. My journey has passed through, roughly chronologically: BASIC, Pascal, C, C++, Perl, Python, Erlang, JavaScript, C#, TypeScript, Clojure, F#, Common Lisp, Go, R and Zig. I've spent the most time with "modern" C++, Common Lisp, F# and Go, and I'm currently learning Zig. Obvious things I'm missing are Rust (tried it, too hard) and Haskell (love it, too lazy), and I'm keeping an eye on Cpp2/cppfront.


I wrote about my design choices for this site here: Design.

Contact: @mocom@mastodon.social. Published using C-c C-e P p. If you use this content commercially, kindly make an appropriate donation to Zig Software Foundation in my name.